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More than 70 people broke the order to blockade, open a party on the boat


Police on January 30 disbanded a party on a boat in the suburbs of London and more than 70 people faced a penalty for violating the epidemic room regulations.

These individuals could be fined close to $ 1,100 for breaking a blockade aimed at preventing Covid-19.

The party was attended by 72 people, violating the ban on gathering of over 15 people.

"This is a blatant violation of the Covid-19 prevention regulations being applied to save lives and protect the National Health Service (NHS), which is under great pressure," said the chief investigator.

He is ordering a blockade to try to curb the rise in Covid-19 cases, partly rooted in the emergence of a new viral strain.

The UK is also one of the economies most affected by the pandemic.

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